From Bar’s Basement to State-of-the-Art Facility


It all began in a bar’s basement, but now the Chabad Jewish Center is a state of the art facility. “We would joke, you go upstairs for the bar and come downstairs for the Mitzvah,” Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel said.

Appropriately enough it’s the Chabad of Nashville’s 13th year of existence and it had a Bar Mitzvah of its own.

Sunday was the grand opening and dedication of the new Chabad Center at the Genesis Campus for Jewish Life.

Gov. Bill Haslam was on hand and assisted with the ribbon cutting.

“Great communities and great states are made up of a combination of people who all bring their gifts and talents of making that community a better place,” Haslam said.

The new Chabad Center was built in a Mediterranean design to resemble David’s city.

Those who helped construct the center came from different religions and from different walks of life.

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  • Nashville Chabad

    Chabad of Nashville started when the Freideker Rebbe sent Rabbi and Rebbetzin Zalman Posner. They remained for 55+ years in Nashville as part of Sherith Israel Synagogue.

  • A friend of Chabad of Nashville

    Yes, Rabbi and Mrs. Posner moved to Nashville in 1949 as Shluchim of the Friediger Rebbe. Rabbi Yitzchok and Esther Tiechtel built on their shoulders, a most magnificent Chabad Center,that there are very few of this kind.

    They have impacted the Nashville community over the last thirteen years in a major way, that the community has come out to support and build this most beautiful new center.

    Congratulations to Rabbi Yitzchok and Esther Tiechtel and to Chabad of Nashville!

  • a fellow shliach

    Congratulations to Rabbi Yitzchok and Esther Tiechtel for building this most beautiful Chabad Center in Nashville.
    May the presence of the Rebbe always be felt in this magnificent Chabad Center.