France’s Deaf Jews Get Together for Purim Celebration

For the first time in France and likely the entire of Europe, a special Purim celebration was held for Jewish people who suffer from deafness.

From all over France, over 100 deaf men, women and children gathered at the Beis Chaya Mushka educational center in Paris for the joyous event.

The attendees were delighted to be able to communicate with fellow Jews in sign language, and even more so when Rabbi Isser Lubecki translated the Megillah, read by his brother Leizer, into sign language.

All the men and boys present put on Tefilin, some of them for the first time in their lives.

During the sumptuous Purim meal prepared by Mrs. Lubecki, the guests were given the opportunity to fulfill the remaining two Mitzvos of the day – Mishloach Manos and Matonos L’evyonim.

Amid the festivities it was decided that a communal Seder in sign language would be organized this coming Pesach, much to the delight of everyone present.

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  • Friend from 2 Bis Avenue du Petit Château

    Gr-8 job Isser. Sorry I could not be there to help. It look’s like it was with much Hatzlocho B”H. IY”H the Pesach Seder will be With even more Hatzlocho Rabah Umuflaga!
    May Hashem Bench you with much success in all your Shlichus. You should give the Rebbeh much Nachas, and through that be Zoche to Moshiach, and you should have alot of Nachas from your family.

  • Toronto alumn

    Seeing these pictures mamash brought a huge smile to my face. Was zoiche to spend a year with Isser in Toronto, amazing bochur (wow, now yungerman!), incredible kishroinos. A sach hatzlacha in all continued peulos, Isser!