Purim Around the World: Smolensk, Russia

The Russian city of Smolensk, mere miles from which lies the small town of Lubavitch, was the sight of Purim festivities unlike any the local Jews had seen for many years.

On the eve of Purim, the community’s youth gathered at the city’s main synagogue for a lively Kumzitz with a vising performer, which followed the reading of the Megllah by Rabbi Levi Mondshein.

On Purim day the community gathered at the Shul for a concert and lavish Purim feast, with joyous singing and dancing enjoyed by everyone present. All four Mitzvos of Purim were fulfilled by the 150 men, women and children who gathered for the festivities.

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One Comment

  • So impressive!

    Wow, how your community has grown B”H. May you continue to see peiros begashmius and beruchmius.