Canadian First Lady Visits Chabad Matzah Bakery

Mrs. Laureen Harper, wife of Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper, visited Chabad’s Westboro Jewish Montessori Preschool to participate in a Matzah Bakery Factory, organized by Co-directors Dr. Yosef and Devora Caytak.

Mrs. Harper was participating with the children, mixing and kneading the dough, rolling it with a rolling pin and enjoying each moment.

The preschoolers had the privilege of making matzah with the wife of one of the world’s greatest friends to Israel and the Jewish people.

Lev Silverstein, a student at the preschool, presented Mrs. Harper with a box of the handmade Shmurah matzah from Israel in appreciation for visiting the school. Rabbi Mendel Blum and his daughter Mushka ran the Matzah Bakery Factory at the school.

They also visit tens of other schools, Jewish and public schools to bring the joy and hands-on fun for hundreds of children.

After having fun with preschoolers and making matzah, director Mrs. Devora Caytak, gave Mrs. Harper a tour of the building, showing her the Hebrew alphabet and other materials that the preschoolers learn.

Most significant in the tour, was when Mrs. Harper viewed the mural that was commissioned to commemorate the MS St. Louis. The mural was created and designed by internationally renowned artist Michoel Muchnik.

Mrs. Harper was shown the library (Westboro Jewish Montessori Preschool is housed in the Jewish Youth Library), and was very impressed by the large collection.

After the tour, Mrs. Harper had tea with 12 women on the second floor of the building. The press was not invited to the tea, to allow Mrs. Harper and the women to share their thoughts and comments.

Mrs. Caytak started off the tea by mentioning, that looking at the Jewish calendar, it was Divine Providence that today’s visit coincided with the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s (o.b.m) birthday, 110 years since his birth.

The Rebbe, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour for his efforts in making the world a better place to live through education and promoting values and ethics.

And President Carter in 1978 designated April 18 (that year was 11 Nisan) Education Day USA. Every year, since, the acting President has designated the anniversary of the Rebbe’s birht to a day dedicated to educational awareness, and a commitment to good deeds.

Mrs. Caytak went on to mention that on the Rebbe’s birthday the Rebbe would encourage everyone to redouble their efforts to to reach out to the world, regardless of religion, to make the world a better, safer, kinder and more peaceful place.

Mrs. Caytak asked Mrs. Harper to help promote the Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach, the Seven Noahide Laws, 1. Belief in G-d. He is aware of our deeds and His Providence is over all creation.

2. Respect and Praise G-d, Do not blaspheme, Know that G-d is just, but humans can not comprehend our Creator

3. Respect Humann Life, Do Not Murder

4. Respect Family: Don’t commit Forbidden relations. Wholesome Families are a basis of healthy communities.

5. Respect the Rights of Others: Do NOT steal, since our sustenance comes from G-d , we should seek to earn it with honesty and dignity, not through deceit.

6. Respect all creatures. We should respect animals and not be cruel to them. (Mrs. Harper is passionate and has a life long concern for proper care of animals)

7. Pursue Justice. Set up courts of law, a fair and effective legal system creates a society worthy of G-d’s blessings. It brings G-d’s ideals for our personal life into a formal order for society and completes the other six laws.

Mrs. Caytak presented Mrs. Harper a beautiful Challah Cover, handmade from Israel and a signed copy of the book published by the library and written by Sara Loewenthal and illustrated by Nicholas Jackson So Near and Yet So Far Klara’s Voyage on the MS St. Louis. This book was funded by a grant from the Canadian Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.

Mrs. Harper received the letter from Mrs. Eva Sandler, which contained her heartfelt plea for the Jewish community worldwide. She commented that is was such a tragedy, it made her want to cry. She commented on the beautiful children that were brutally murdered.

Each of the women in attendance at the tea had a moment to share their thoughts and short, and many expressed their appreciation to Mrs. Harper and the Prime Minister for their unprecedented support of Israel and the Jewish people, giving reassurance to that Canadian Jews can live in a safe country and practice their religion freely.

Mrs. Harper’s historic visit to the Jewish Youth Library was memorable and made a deep impression on the preschoolers and the women who attended the tea. What a remarkable woman Mrs. Harper is!!


  • NZG, CA

    The Canadian Premier and his wife are the true definition of ohev yisrael – chasidei umos ha’olam.

  • lol

    oh man! i rememeber going to day camp in ottawa!! the caytaks are amazing! i love you miriam!

  • Gladys Mooallem

    We are proud of you Mrs.Harper and the Organizes.

    We all love our Country Canada that our Prime Minister,

    Steve Harper made it so comfortable and prosperous to live in.

    Our children have the best education and all religions live

    happily together.

    Thank you so much and we wish you best of health and
    success for your family.

  • israel is on being

    to #3:
    But I thought the Torah view, as expressed on this on other frum sites, is that poor working class people people should not have health care.

  • ch

    go Harpers.

    There stand with Israel is amazing.

    fyi, she has bittul to sit there with little kids there.

  • proud jewish canadian

    check ouy her humility! michelle obama would never!
    go canadiaaaannnsss!