A tent camp in Tel Aviv, Israel protesting against rising housing prices and social inequalities.

The tents pitched by Israeli demonstrators protesting this summer’s high housing are all but gone, but Chabad-Lubavitch centers all over the country are erecting their own, all in preparation for the holiday of Yom Kippur that begins Friday night.

Israel: Out With the Old Tents, In With the New

A tent camp in Tel Aviv, Israel protesting against rising housing prices and social inequalities.

The tents pitched by Israeli demonstrators protesting this summer’s high housing are all but gone, but Chabad-Lubavitch centers all over the country are erecting their own, all in preparation for the holiday of Yom Kippur that begins Friday night.

The makeshift synagogues – which will be air-conditioned and furnished like typical holy spaces – will give neighborhoods without synagogues or adequate synagogue seating a place for residents to pray on the holiest day of the year.

For the 8,000 residents in the Kochav Hatsafon neighborhood in North Tel Aviv, where there is no synagogue, the tent pitched by the local Chabad House will fill the need.

“Chabad Houses are making arrangements so that there won’t be one Jewish person who is interested in praying and doesn’t have a place to pray,” said Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Aharonov, director of the Lubavitch Youth Organization in Israel.


  • mendi

    rabi shmuel lepkivker at kochav hatsafon in tel aviv, opend a sinagoge in his house 5 years ago.latly he mooved the sinagoge from his house to a big basment. every year befor yom kipur he bilt a big tent for 500 people.