Compass Magazine for Shluchim and Shluchos Ready for Kinus
Bags Packed …Ready to Go? Though thousands of shluchos are packing their bags in preparation for the upcoming Kinus HaShluchos, The Chabad House Compass Magazine directs this question to the yaldei hashluchim and their parents in a panel discussion on adjusting to the in-town yeshiva/high school experience in its soon-to-be-released issue, entitled “A Shliach Is Never Alone.”
Following the terrific on the recent Kinus HaShluchim edition, the Kinus HaShluchos issue features a number of in-depth articles that cater to both shluchim and shluchos. From “My Biggest Money Mistake” and “The Role of the Shliach in Grief and Mourning” to a carefully selected sicha of the Rebbe and many more practical articles, the magazine covers a number of subjects all geared to supporting a shliach’s shlichus.
“Most notable about this issue of the Compass Magazine,” states Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, “is the honest, open and candid approach in which shluchim and shluchos have shared personal experiences and insights on a variety of topics. Their ahavas Yisroel and wish to encourage and aid their fellows can be felt quite tangibly within these pages.”
“This magazine is designed to serve as a ‘compass’ by providing direction and standards to help shluchim fulfill their missions,” explains Rabbi Beryl Frankel, Compass editor-in-chief. The magazine, published biannually by Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch’s Suite 302, enlists seasoned shluchim and shluchos to supply practical tips and share insights regarding various aspects of shlichus life. Newer shluchim also contribute their energy and perspectives, providing for well rounded discussions, presentations, and inspiration. A top-notch editorial and graphic design team completes the package.
Shluchos attending the upcoming kinus will each receive a copy of the Chabad House Compass Magazine in their kinus bags upon registration. Shluchim and shluchos may request to have a copy sent to their homes or emailed to them by clicking here.
The Chabad House Compass Magazine is a great way for advertisers to reach shluchim and shluchos worldwide. Email for advertising opportunities.