Camp GIGA Gives German Teens Amazing Experience

Camp GIGA has successfully completed its second year of providing Jewish German teenage boys with a thrilling inspirational experience in America.

Although only its second year, Camp GIGA which is run under the auspices of Chabad Frankfurt lead by Rabbi Zalman Gurevitch, has already grown to twenty five campers from a mere eight last year, with campers from all corners of Germany as well as from Austria.

Camp GIGA thanks all those who helped make this year’s summer a success: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky for helping enable our continued success for two consecutive years, Sponsors from Germany and Crown Heights, Dear Counselors, Mrs. C.S. Gurevitch and the many others.

Donations to help cover this year’s camp can be made at:

Here’s a quick recap of this year’s experience:

The Journey began with a tour of NYC. Riding “the Beast”-a speedboat tour of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, really set the exhilarating pace for the rest of the trip. The campers experienced the lights of Times Square, window shopping on world famous Fifth Avenue, practiced their bargaining skills in Chinatown and then had the chance to relax at a delicious BBQ in Central Park. The teens then readied themselves for a special treat, V.I.P. Passes to a world class Baseball game! Amidst all the cheering and hollering of the fans, the sound of GIGA…GIGA could clearly be heard, especially when Camp GIGA’s name appeared on the scoreboard and was officially welcomed to the game.

One of the highlights of the New York leg of the trip was the very special Bar-Mitzvah celebration of our dear camper Soso. Campers and counselors alike were treated to a festive meal and then danced the night away to a live performance from Hasidic-Rapper, DeScribe, one of the hottest Jews on the American music scene.

The next day GIGA was privileged to have a guided tour of Chabad Central Headquarters – 770 and the opportunity to pray at the Ohel.

Stage two found GIGA in Los Angeles, California where they stayed at the dormitory of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon. Campers paraded up and down the streets of L.A., enjoyed ‘Ripley’s believe it or not’ and toured Hollywood.

‘Come Shabbat, come rest’, and rest it was for both body and soul as campers were swept away by the tranquility and peace of the Shabbat. All joined together for heartfelt prayers and song while tantalizing aromas of traditional Shabbat food wafted through the air. After a delicious meal and much interesting table talk, campers went to their rooms with smiles on their faces and plenty of ‘food’ for thought.

Next on the agenda was a ten day stay at the state-of-the-art Running Springs mountaintop campsite. Activities included a competitive sports league, challenging ropes course, swimming, archery and a fully equipped game room. With a specially designed Torah Studies program and tasty and nutritious meals, campers were bound to foster lifelong relationships and experience much personal growth.

Bang..Bang.. Campers had a chance to test their nerves and experience the thrills of real life combat, dressed in camouflage suits and armed with paintball guns, campers crawled on all four through the forest undergrowth learning what it takes to be on the front line. Hold on to your kippot! The grand finale was a trip to Six Flags Amusement Park where campers soared through the air enjoying the fastest and biggest roller coasters in the world.

‘Goodbye Camp GIGA, farewell to those wonderful times…’

But it doesn’t end there. Camp GIGA will get together every month for a GIGA Shabbaton, at different locations throughout Germany, bringing back to life the spirit of GIGA to all its alumni, keeping them warm with the happy memories that will last a lifetime.

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