Chabad Cape Town: Revealing the “Holy” in Hollywood
Rabbis versus footballers was Chabad of Cape Towns ingenious way of engaging the world ahead of the World Cup last year, after going viral their video scored over 150,000 views on Chabad.org, this year they are trying it again – with a calendar that carries a special set of messages.
Chabad of Cape Town, under the leadership of Rabbi Mendel Popack, is always a step ahead of the game in their creative presentation of Jewish themes transforming worldly ideas into vehicles for the message of Torah.
While their World Cup video was Chabad.org’s number on hit of the year (with over 150,000 unique visitors), their print calendar, now online as well, is also proving to be quite an attraction. Visible online at www.Chabad.co.za/Calendar2011 the calendar takes well known images from film and Hollywood and gives across a powerful message for each month of the year.
To order a print version of this “collectors item” calendar and support the good work of Chabad email the reception@chabad.co.za
ben afleck
Brilliant. Rabbi popack and crew keep getting younger and bringing shlichus to life for the rest of us.
Just curios
This is SUPER clever! But… how did they work out the copyright issues? Just curious :)
Brilliant design, who’s work of art???
Your Cousins
I smell Mendy Groner here… a job well done!
Cute, but not all original
Very creative stuff and well done, but Tzivos Hashem Kids magazine has been doing this for years!
this is hot!!!
awesome, great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!