Chabad of Brazil Pays Tribute to Holocaust Survivers
CURTIBA, Brazil [CHI] — Close to 500 people filled the Radisson Hotel in Curitiba, Brazil, for a special evening paying tribute to the Holocaust survivors of Curitiba, both those living, and those that have already passed away, in an event called “Triumph of the Spirit”.
Rebetzin Ester Jungreis, herself a holocaust survivor, flew in from New York especially for the event, and talked about her experiences in the Holocaust, and how she was taught by her parents to continue to be strong, and follow in their footsteps even in the most difficult of times.
The event began, with a tribute to the 48 Holocaust survivors who have already passed on, family members lit a candle near a portrait of their loved one, and a overhead projector showed the names and the portraits of the survivors that have already passed away.
Survivors present at this special event, received a deluxe leather Tehillim with their Hebrew name inscribed, from the hands of the presidents of various institutions of Curitiba.
The event concluded by everyone taking home a special candle nicely packaged, with the name of a child who perished in the holocaust on it. All those that took a candle accepted upon themselves a new Mitzvah that they will begin doing in honer of the child, and by this “adopting” the child, and bringing more light in to this world, for every Mitzvah is a candle.
The 14 survivors who were honored are:
Abram Bogdanski, Bela Bogdanski, Bunia Finkel, Cila Krajden, Hella Schwarz, Marcos Bergerson, Menachem Klin, Moises Jacobson, Naftali Steinberg, Peter Aizescu, Samuel Grinbaum, Sara Gelhorn, Sara Goldstein, Vergil Terifan.
The 48 survivors, that have already passed away z”l:
Abram Majer Apelbaum Korcfeld, Alter Nechemie Grynbaum, Arie Flaksberg, Bela Zielonogora, Bernardo Wies, Binyamin Gelhorn, Brondla Grynbaum, Bruno Macioro, Chaskiel Slud, Chaya Kulysz, David Lorber Rolnik, Eva Kohane, Fiszel Szmargowisz, Hanna Lili Sielecka, Hella Bewaski, Henik Weishof, Hinda Klein, Ita Gottfreid Hendler, Izak Baras, Jacob Krigsner, Jacob Mendelsom, Joel Bergman, José Hendler, Joseph Kohane, Julio Kohane, Leah Mamber, Leon Fajgenbaum, Mala Szniter, Malka Lorber Rolnik, Marcos Zielonogora, Marie Berthe Weishof, Mario Grynbaum, Miriam Mendelsom, Moises Bergerson, Moshe Aron Herchlikowicz, Moshe Klein, Natan Mamber, Nuchym Szniter, Rosa Baras, Samuel Klein, Schulem Krajden, Shendel Aizescu, Shimon Aizescu, Shoshana Klin, Sonia Ingberman, Szlama Kac, Yaacov Kulysz, Zeew Goldstein.