Chabad Draws More Local Interest

By Bronislaus B. Kush for the Telegram and Gazette

WORCESTER — There’s a renewed interest in the Chabad movement worldwide, and local Jews involved are putting out the welcome mat to possible followers.

“Chabads are attracting more and more individuals and we welcome anyone interested in joining us,” said Rabbi Hershel Fogelman of Yeshiva Achei Tmimim, which is just off Newton Square.

The Chabad-Lubavitch movement, which is based in Crown Heights, N.Y., is a branch of Hasidism, a religious discipline within Orthodox Judaism that was founded by 18th-century mystics.

Historically, the movement has reached out to nonpracticing Jews; adherents stress that its spiritual principles do not conflict with other Jewish philosophies.

The term “Chabad” itself derives from an acronym of Hebrew words for wisdom (chochma), understanding (bina), and knowledge (da’at).

“Chabads help lift up the true spirit of the Jewish people,” said Rabbi Fogelman.

Chabad philosophy, which incorporates mysticism, teaches that the earthly activities exist through the intervention of God and that one can attain complete control over one’s emotions.

Its founders argued that the mind could not be elevated without Talmudic studies.

The movement was established in the late 18th century by Rabbi Schneur Zalman and its initial membership was based, until the early 20th century, in the Russian town of Lyubavichi.

An estimated 3,300 Chabads exist in about 75 countries. Many of them provide outreach and educational programs from Jewish community centers, schools and universities, and synagogues.

Rabbi Fogelman said there are about 350 Chabads nationwide. Besides Worcester, Chabads have been founded in Westboro, Natick, and Framingham, among some Central Massachusetts communities.

Interested individuals are invited to a dinner program that will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Yeshiva, 22 Newton Ave.

Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe, a Harvard University academic and lecturer, will talk about Rabbi Zalman and his life and works.

Rabbi Yaffe is the scholar in residence at Harvard’s Chabad and has served as dean of the Institute of American and Talmudic Law in New York City.

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