Released Time Program Ready New Year

Bochurim learning in 770 gathered for a training seminar for the upcoming year’s Released Time program organized by the NCFJE.

The program, emceed by Refael Dubov, began with Ahrele Matusof discussing practical tips for keeping in touch with parents, arts and crafts projects and the importance of home visitations.

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky spoke of how the Released Time program and Merkos Shlichus were from the first peuolos of the Rebbe, and how precious they were to the Rebbe.

Rabbi Shazak Zirkind introduced the main speaker of the event, Rabbi Chaim Mentz of Bel Air, and told the story of Rabbi JJ Hecht bringing a group of Released Time children to 770 on Rosh Hashanah, stressing how the Frierdike Rebbe and the Rebbe took time out of Rosh Hashanah to address the children.

Rabbi Chaim Mentz gave helpful ideas of how to recruit kids, prepare a class and how to keep the kids interested. He told over a personal incident of how during a commercial break on his radio show interview, his guest related that as a kid, he was by one of the Lag B’Omer Parades with Released Time and noticed how the Rebbe gazed intently at him. He said whenever he goes through a tough time, he brings up that image in his mind and it helps him. Rabbi Mentz then stressed the importance of getting to know and maintaining a connection with the parents and that the ultimate goal is to get the children into a Talmud Torah.

Each Bochur received a briefcase with the Released Time logo.