Photos: Chabad Youth Network’s Shabbaton!

Usually, it’s the shopping on Canal Street and the never-dimming lights of Times Square that create the biggest impact on visitors to the City that never sleeps. But for the nearly 100 participants from the Greater Toronto Area who participated in the Chabad Youth Network New York Shabbaton, with Rabbi Shmuli Nachlas – CYN, along with Rabbi Meir Gitlin of Chabad Markham, gave these teens some very different things to remember.

As Jessica, a 12th Grade student in Torah 4 Teens, wrote on the CYN blog “This weekend was by far a spiritual reach, deep into myself. This was the first time I ever turned my phone off and kept Shabbat, and actually enjoyed the bonding with my friends… This weekend, I was a different person, it wasn’t all about the shopping (even though it was amazing,) but it was three days that made an enormous impact on my life… this was one small step into becoming the Jewish girl I am striving to become. The Rebbes Ohel was the most incredible and emotionally experience, standing beside the graveside of one of the most miraculous men, asking for our personal blessing. At that moment I knew I was not fulfilling my life achievements…

Sierra, a 10th Grade student in Torah 4 Teens, wrote… “Staying in Crown Heights was incredible and the family that I was staying with was so nice. They treated us like we lived there and seeing how they live was very eye opening. Never in my life have I ever seen such nice people who are so welcoming. Besides that, I learned so much about Judaism that I never knew before… I cannot wait to go again next year…”

On behalf of all the teens who have benefited from this inspirational and uplifting weekend, a big Yasher Koach is extended to all the families that have opened their homes and made the teens feel so welcome. Thank you for partnering with us in our Shlichus.


  • chezi


    someone should show this to the merkos ctean guys. this is one guy who did this without the big money.

    last mont the ctean had a “national” convention and there was less then this

  • moti

    to chezi.

    you are wrong…there was MUCH less kids then this. not just less

    this shows you dont need millions of $$$ to spend on logod to have a great Hatzlacha

  • ch`ser

    wow this is truly something very beautiful! big kidush hashem! keep on giving the rebbe nachas!!!

  • Been There

    and it was beautiful! Kol Hakavod to the organizers. Seriously, though, no need to bash another program!!!

  • Moishele

    Cteen is in its infancy. CYN and Rabbi Nachlas have been in operation for close to a decade now. Big numbers come with time, and as long as you’re not a total idiot, everyone will be matzliach in kamus and eichus.

  • chezi

    to moishele

    drei nisht kein kop.

    ctean is in operation 3-4 years started when wolf who now lives in Manhattan was a bocir.

    in the last 2 years approximately $240.000 was pumped into it, they had 2 yungerliet full time (or at least that is what they had on paper) in addition they had other people going through the office. (i know this for a fact)

    i also know that it take time and effort but its ridiculous for them to contisually lie and fudge the numbers.

  • Meni

    to moishe and chezzi.


    all you need to do is look at the pictures of the Ctean convention they had a few weeks ago.

    there were at least 5 youngerliet who work for Ctean.

    the problem with ctean and all other of “those” divisions, is that they have tons of money (yes…sometimes that CAN be a problem) and all they do is good PR etc.

    lipoiel they have nothing. even achsheli floped so they are now looking for new angels

  • to meni

    i dont think you can blame achsheli for failing, i was not a good idea from day one, they realy put an effort into it.

    they also put an effort into jnet and that did not work either. and it wasnt becuse of a lack of skill or dedication. or for that mater money. it simply does not work when you have so many schluchim that do the same thing.

    a lot of the programs the have are duplicates of what there is allready

    as far as cteen, this is soemthing that never realy took off, they tried infinging on the freindship circle. so again cteen was also doomed from the start

  • Surprised

    As a bochur who does my shliach I understand from my fellow Bochrim that there are over 120 kids in the boys division learning each week….. I do think this is far from being a failure….

  • CA Shliach

    When did Achsheli flop? My 2 sons learn every week with their bochur on the phone and my daughter learns on the computer with the sem bet girl. You guys should get a job or at least go on shlichus:)

  • chezzy


    cteen never had more than 100 k and they still have plenty of it. that office runs very lean and doesnt pay their guys alot. go get new facts and yes get a job