Governor Pat Quinn Visits Chabad on Campus Sukkah Mobile

CHAMPAIGN, IL [CHI] — Governor Pat Quinn of the state of Illinois, paid a visit to the Sukkah mobile of Chabad at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, headed by Rabbi Dovid and Goldie Tiechtel.

The Governor visited the Sukkah mobile while it was on campus, during a lunch-n-learn in the Sukkah event.

The Sukkah mobile is one of the four Sukkahs that Chabad has around campus, at the Chabad House, at the dorm, at a fraternity (AEPi) and the Sukkah mobile.

The mobile has been traveling around town, visiting seniors homes, malls, local schools and all over campus; all day and night long.

The Sukkah mobile is dedicated in Memory of Jim Jacobson and is being run by HaTomim Michoel Kerendian.