Lag BaOmer Celebration on the Beach

Over 150 people attended a Grand Lag Bomer BBQ Celebration on the Beach. The BBQ & Bonfire, which took place at the Pelican Park Beach in Satellite Beach was complete with delicious food and fun for all. The family celebration included a Kosher Barbecue, a large Bonfire and singing Kumzits, Jewish Music, Kite Flying for the children, Water Balloons and a grand Watermelon Hunt (a watermelon is buried in the sand for the children to find).

The event was just another project of Chabad of the Space and Treasure Coasts under the direction of Rabbi Zvi & Shulamit Konikov. The event would not have been possible without the gracious assistance of Itty Barber, Shoshana Schrage, Chavi Konikov, Tuvia Neely and Linda Sorenson.

One Comment

  • Wow!

    Took while till u got it all covered! Now that its here…can say you can relax till after Shavuos!