KHARKOV, Ukraine [CHI] — Over 2500 people took part in an amazing Hakhel Purim program in the Kharkov circus - in the entrance men and boys put on Tefillin , women and girls got Shabbos candles, everyone got Mishloach Manos and hundreds came in Purim costumes - in the true Purim spirit.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Purim in the Kharkov Circus!

KHARKOV, Ukraine [CHI] — Over 2500 people took part in an amazing Hakhel Purim program in the Kharkov circus – in the entrance men and boys put on Tefillin , women and girls got Shabbos candles, everyone got Mishloach Manos and hundreds came in Purim costumes – in the true Purim spirit.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The program was dedicated to the Year of Hakhel, and in its spirit each performance was themed as another part of the world, from a Ukrainian Orchestra, performed by the children of the Or Avner School, a Siberian Bear , Israeli Dancers, performed by the Chabad kindergarten, Japanese Karate by the Or Avner students, and even a boxing kangaroo from Australia!

The highlight of the event was the reading of the Megillah by Rabbi Levi Raices who represented Africa as the President of Kenya, and even had a surprise visit from none other than the President of America himself, Barack Obama!

Rabbi Moskovitz told the crowd all about Hakhel and the power of Unity, and thanked the government of Kharkov for all their support in enabling the Jews of Kharkov to celebrate Purim in public. The first secretary, Mr. Gennadiy Kernes , who is also Jewish, spoke with pride about how this unforgettable event shows the real power of unity, and that the government will do all it can to ensure that there is freedom to show our Jewish pride.

Many people signed up to join the Stars student program and to find out more about the Or Avner day school. The program was sponsored by Alexander Feldman the president of the Jewish community.


  • a proud chabadnik

    Chabad is amazing!!!!!!!! what a great idea to celebrate purim! its emotinal to see the place were our grandparents were prosecuted, lives the work of the rebbe by the incredible shluchim!!! kol hakovod

  • Aussie Land

    GO LEVI !!!! What are You. I’m Sure your Shver is Shlepping Nachas from you.

    You bro and sis N law down under

  • Chanie

    Way to go, my dear brother Levi! We always wonder what you’re going to get dressed up as, every year! You never disappoint! I’m so proud of you! Your dear sister!!!!!

  • simcha monica

    levi, of course you were the highlight of the show;)… the purim circus looks unbelievable! keep up the great work!

  • rivka

    sholom ber and bracha i love you sooooooo muchhh
    ta your speach was for sure sooo amazing… heehehe
    cant believe i missed it

  • facinated

    wowwwww! amazing!
    Levi Reizes from kharkov and the other shluchim, the credit goes to you!!!!!

  • Simcha4ever

    Eli Nochum?! When u became a police officer?! Hope it’s just for show :-)

  • aryeh lyampe

    eli nochuuuuuum !!!!! great seein u on the pic’s here just saying hi!hope all is well