First Megilah Reading and Purim Party in the World!

CANTERBURY, New Zealand [CHI] — An overwhelming crowd filled the southern-most Chabad House in the world. Some two hundred people from across the country and the world, made their way to New Zealand’s only Chabad House. It was the first Chabad House globally to bring in Purim, due the time zone it is in. Rabbi Berri Spitetzki, assistant director of Chabad of New Zealand said, “This was definitely the largest crowd to congregate for Purim in the country’s history.”

Hatomim Nissan Zigman, who helped coordinate the event, said that “The Chabad House will be the only place in the countries south island where the Megilah reading can be heard.” Some 20,000 Israeli backpackers tour the region each year. “We will be starting the first reading at six am”, said Hatamim Mendy Baruch, one of the new Merkos-Shluchim to join the Chabad House team. He continued, “as many backpackers will be on the road early in the day with no other option for Megilah reading.” Mendy arrived only two weeks ago, with his colleagues Hatomim Yisroel Pekar and Hatomim Levi Moscowitz.

Rabbi Mendel and Sara Goldstein, Shluchim to the Country, praised the efforts of the new bochurim, and said that they have never seen such a lively Purim celebration.


  • Milhouse

    “due to it’s geological location”?
    “The Chabad House will be the only place in the countries south island where the Megilah reading can be heard.”

    Do they not read the megillah at the Ch’ch shul? And isn’t there some sort of community in Dunedin?

  • L.A.

    Hi mendy and baruch,it’s nice to see you both,I hope you continue on successfully with your newfound shlichos,
    Happy purim

    Your old friend from toras emes,Yossi R

  • some guy

    wow! this mendy kid is popular! who is he anyway?
    he got 4 out of the 6 comments! congrats, mendy!


    Keep up the great work Yisroel, im sure your doing an awesome job as always :)

  • Volonteer Megilah Reader

    To Milhouse:

    “Do they not read the megillah at the Ch’ch shul? And isn’t there some sort of community in Dunedin?”

    Unfurtionately, No! there was no reading not in Dunedin nor in CHCH’s Shul.

    Thank G-D for Chabad in the South Island!!!

    […There will however be a reading BY DAY in both places, coordinated by Chabad Of New Zealand.)

  • Friend from 770

    Hatamim Mendy Baruch (from Monsey) – is that you in the photo?

    Are you really in New Zealand?

    Keep up the good work!

    Yisrael Pekar, is that you or your twin? you guys are awesome!!

  • Someone who is there

    To milhouse:

    Duniden has “some sort of a minyan” therefor there isn’t going to be anything there , viday lamevin

    CheChe shul: are only having by day (oh, and its the Lubavitchers that are doing it btw)

  • Sister 4

    Hey Mendy

    Happy Purim

    Keep up the great work out there and don’t get too durnk!!!

    Missing you tonzzzz!!!!

    Your other other other sister

    (this mendy guy is popular because he has many many sisters and he’s a always there to lend a hand – just a great guy all around.)