Rebbetzin Shulamis Pape, a beloved educator and Mashpia in Crown Heights, has suffered a stroke and is currently being treated in the ICU. Please say Tehillim for Solika Shulamis bas Izza Aliza for a speedy and complete recovery.
Please Say Tehillim for Mrs. Shulamis Pape
Rebbetzin Shulamis Pape, a beloved educator and Mashpia in Crown Heights, has suffered a stroke and is currently being treated in the ICU. Please say Tehillim for Solika Shulamis bas Izza Aliza for a speedy and complete recovery.
Refuah Shelaima Bekorov
Picaboo Shimon
May hashem grant her a full recovery immediately.
refuah sheleima mrs pape! we love you!!
Solika Shulamis bas Iza, not Iza Aliza!
S. G.
Refua Shleima