Shabbos at the Besht: Teshuvah in the Light of Chassidus

This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Naftaly Silberberg will lead a discussion on the topic – Teshuvah in the light of chassidus.

Rabbi Silberberg is a renowned scholar known for his sharp wit and vast Talmudic knowledge. He currently serves as editor at JLI, as well as contributing writer to and


One Comment

  • Moshe Eliyahu

    very appropriate for the Month of Elul, as a follow up of last weeks discussion which was “Chassidisheh Elul” this will truly enlighten us how to really do proper Tshuva during the Month of Elul, & really take advantage of the “King In The Field” & really use out Elul properly to the fullest extent.