3rd Taharas Hamishpach Spring Review Series
The International Taharas Hamishpacha Organization in hosting its third annual seasonal Taharas Hamishpacha Halacha Review classes beginning this week.
This Six-Week review, featuring the organizations finest teachers, is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at the home of Mrs. Shaindy Gutnick, 827 Montgomery Street, and will take place for five consecutive Tuesdays with the final session on a Monday night June 6, 2016.
A raffle is being offered for some lovely prizes, including the chance to win a dollar from the Rebbe for those who attend the series. Your participation in these raffles will allow us to continue to offer these sessions.
Admission is FREE and light refreshments will be served.
Doors open at 8:15, classes begin promptly at 8:30 PM.
A special thanks to Mrs. Kraindy Klein, Mrs. Devorah Leah Eilenberg and Mrs. Esther Leah Zarchi for their tireless work and total dedication to making these classes and review series happen.