PSA: Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chips Not Cholov Yisroel

The OK has released an advisory that Trader Joe’s chocolate chips are no longer certified Pareve, rendering them Kosher but not Cholov Yisroel if labeled with an OK-D.


  • Yechiel H Melech

    Who would shop at Trader Joe’s? Is the Kollel store not enough?

  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • TJ fan

    Thank you for the alert! Are the new ones on the shelves yet? I’ll have to go stock up on the Pareve ones.

  • Doris Jaffe

    I just spoke to their customer service rep who said the rabbi changed the status from pareve to dairy due to the change from wet wash down to dry wash down. Reason for change is that dry wash down of equipment will cause less microbial infestation. I thanked them for carrying all the kosher products they sell, and requested them to offer more kosher items.

    I also told her that not only does this change impact the kosher consumer, but vegan and lactose-intolerant consumers won’t be able to buy those chocolate chip cookies if they won’t be certified pareve. She said they’re having a big corporate meeting tomorrow with the rabbi, vender, and other key people. I suggested they post results on their web site.

  • malcab

    for those upset about trader joe’s chip —

    this is to let you all know

    SHOPRITE choc chips are PARVE

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    To Nuymber two: Three basic reasons why not to shop in the Kollel store: (1) More interesting products and better quality so one can really let their mind fly and be creative in their cooking–e nough of the common stuff that is always served. (2) Better prices and (3) Nicer automosphere to make your shopping a pleasure.

    Get on the horn and on the website and protest the change, parise trader Joe’s for having all those kosher products and encourge to bring in more kosher products.

    Most importantly–and it needs not to be numbered–for those who do not live in the uncivilized dregs of the rotten apple but in other parts of the country, trader joe provides numerous kosher products that are standard to every place, plus pas Isarael bread from Montreal and other places, glatt kosher meat, and other stam kosher products so it makes keeping kosher and living outside of the boondocks of Brooklyn muich more feasable.