Kashering Station to Assist with Pesach Preparations

GoKosher.Org, an organization that helps people Kosher their kitchens and utensils, has announced that they will be conducting an outdoor Pesach Kashering station in Crown Heights next week.

The Kashering station will be located in the yard of Congregation F.R.E.E, 1383 President St. [between Kingston and Brooklyn Aves.]. It will be held on Sunday, April 6th (6 Nissan) from 11:00am to 6:00pm, and again on Tuesday, April 8th (8 Nissan) from 3:00pm to 9:00pm.

Kashering is the process of purging utensils of any non-kosher/chometz substance or taste through heat. There are primarily two methods: A. Hag’alah – dipping the utensil in boiling water, and B. Libun – applying the fire of a torch directly to the utensil. The method used depends on the way the utensil was used: if used for cooking with water, Hag’alah is performed; if heated with a flame – Libun is performed.

The station will be Kashering a wide variety of utensils, including racks, stove-tops, grates, silverware etc.

All proceeds will be used to help others begin keeping Kosher throughout the year.

For more information, email Info@GoKosher.org or call 718-773-7340.

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