Every year for the the past twenty years, the Rebbe's birthday has been celebrated on Yud Aleph Nissan with a Mitzvah Tank parade around the city, and this year is no different. Sixty-two tanks - corresponding to the sixty two years of the Rebbe's leadership - will be parading from Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, reaching all the way to Manhattan.

Do You Have What It Takes?

Every year for the the past twenty years, the Rebbe’s birthday has been celebrated on Yud Aleph Nissan with a Mitzvah Tank parade around the city, and this year is no different. Sixty-two tanks – corresponding to the sixty two years of the Rebbe’s leadership – will be parading from Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, reaching all the way to Manhattan.

The parade’s impact on New York City and the world is tremendous. It reaches thousands upon thousands of Jews, providing them with matzah for the seder nights and informative guides for the Passover holiday. Passerbys also get the opportunity to wrap tefillin. The warm smiles and spiritual encouragement they receive from the Mitzvah Tank volunteers make for a friendly experience to be remembered forever.

You too can be a part of this amazing experience! Boys and bochurim who are in grades 4 through 8 can participate by following the three simple steps:

1. Call us at (718) 704-0077 ext. 105 to sign up! (or e-mail Kids@mitzvahtanks.com) There is an one-time fee of $99.

2. Visit our office to receive your complimentary Mitzvah Tank T-shirt, exclusive pass, and all the information you will need for the “big day.”

3. Parade! On Tuesday, Yud Aleph Nissan, bring your chayus and beaming smiles for a packed day of mivtzoim.

The parade will take place on Tuesday, Yud Aleph Nissan (April 3rd). G-d willing, the Mitzvah Tanks will leave from 770 at 10:00 am, and they will return to Crown Heights around 5:00 pm.