A New Twist to the Classic Chinese Auction

Plans are well underway for the Oholei Torah PTA’s Annual Chinese Auction. This year, guests are sure to be indulged, dined and wined. The event’s organizers have reported that this year’s evening will appeal to every style, palette and taste.

Oholei Torah PTA will host two separate Auctions for men and women. The Men’s Auction will take place on Motzei Shabbos, November 16, Eve of Yud Daled Kislev.  Guests will enjoy a catered Melave Malka, Delectable Sushi Bar and Special Men’s Auction prizes.  Iconic and Consummate wine educator, Jay Buchsbaum, will present an array of kosher wines and invite you to taste and enjoy the wines paired with specialized hors d’oeuvres. Guest Speaker, Rabbi Shais Taub, acclaimed author and lecturer, will address the crowd with topics related to gender roles, identities and interconnections.

The Women’s event, Sunday, November, 17, will feature for the first time, the “Oholei Torah Promenade Expo.”

As women tour the prize exhibits and enjoy a Lavish Buffet, they will have the opportunity to engage in the Interactive expo exhibits and Demos. Expo exhibits will include: Professional cookie decorating, make up tips, wig presentation, fruit cutting techniques, flower arrangements, a massage session, skin care samples, photograph portraits, ‘Adai Ad’ and grand chinuch presentation.

Rabbi Shais Taub will additionally address the women on the roles and strength of a woman.

Patrons of the evening will leave with a host of valuable information and tips, feeling better, looking great, and for those meant to be, the winner of fabulous prizes.

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