Rabbi Chaim Chazan at the Besht This Shabbos

Is Kollel a valid career move? – Part 2,this Shabbos at the Besht Rabbi Chaim Chazan will deliver a talk on the topic after Mincha.


  • Levy

    I realize there is a sponsor this week, I would love to sponsor a upcoming Shiur.

  • Tully

    I am amazed by how many events and Shiurim the Besht brings to the community.

    I Davened with them for the Yomim Noraim this past Tihray it was so inspiring.

  • Chaim

    I was on Talucha with the Besht Rov Mendel Kalmkninson, he is amazing, I see a real bright future with him.

  • Moshe

    Did someone forget to mention that Sruly Clapman the Besht president does all the work.