JLI Chanukah Webcast

Today Sunday, December 5 at 2:30pm EST , the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute and TorahCafé.com will air a webcast featuring prominent Jewish personalities on the theme of Free to Be Jewish.

Mrs. Baila Olidort will moderate a discussion with celebrated author, and distinguished professor of law at Harvard, Alan M. Dershowitz; Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein, Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, and Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet, a pulpit rabbi in London, England, as they weigh in on issues of Jewish identity, Jewish continuity and the challenges confronting a young generation of Jews. Singer Chaim Fogelman will entertain with a Chanukah musical arrangement.


  • George Bennet

    I watched this. I thought it was excellent. Dershowitz is always enjoyable to listen to. Hoenline is OK. I’m impressed with Schochet. Went to watch some other stuff of his on Torahcafe.com A star in Lubavitch?


    So pleased I watched, great guests, very informative and thought provoking for every generation

  • Sarah G.

    Went onto the Torah cafe website. A lot of good lectures. But this one has more than 8000 hits from just last night!