The monthly meeting of the 71st Precinct Community Board will take place today, Thursday, the 18th of October at 7:30pm, in the public school diagonally across the street from the 71st Precinct, I.S. 61 at 400 Empire Boulevard.

This meeting will be introducing the new commanding officer of the precinct, Deputy Inspector Peter Simonetti.

Crown Heightsers are urged to attend, and show our interest in our own safety, and our support for our own community.

PSA: Tonight, Precinct Council Meeting

The monthly meeting of the 71st Precinct Community Board will take place today, Thursday, the 18th of October at 7:30pm, in the public school diagonally across the street from the 71st Precinct, I.S. 61 at 400 Empire Boulevard.

This meeting will be introducing the new commanding officer of the precinct, Deputy Inspector Peter Simonetti.

Crown Heightsers are urged to attend, and show our interest in our own safety, and our support for our own community.


  • CEMS

    we all welcome to our neighborhood the new officer and wish him well.
    there is a new story developing that the hatzoloh organizaition be under a new organization name CEMS under the EMS of the city of ny and be regulated by the city .
    but i think that jewish life is more important and hatzoloh should be run by jews only. as everyone will agree.

    the only diffrent is that the city not yet going to dismentle hatoloh but they want with the help of hatoloh to hurt the community patrol .

    as some of you remember a few years befor the crown heights riot the same idea Caused the riot and the jewish blood that spill on the riot days. who knows if the “community leaders” from than can say YODAINU LO SHOFCHU ES HADOM HAZE.
    one thing i remember very clear from the days after the riot . shomrim was formed from scratch in a metter of minuts and the jewish patrol was reborn .
    the psak was that only jews will be participating. and no police was involved even on shobbos the jews patroled in cars and radios.
    now the only people that will defend the jews are the jews all this talk as if the police will take care is just talk .

    remember all if jewish patrol would of patrol crown heights in 1991 the riot would never happend .
    it didnt happend from the day sam shraga form the patrol.

    it happend after the big mevinim closed the patrol.


  • zee

    I cant make it, but someone please bring up the recent ticket blitz for bike riders. I myself have received a summons for riding my back at night on an empty street. I know at least 10 other people as well.