Many of us understand the financial strain of putting a wedding together. The hall, band, photographer, and house hold items. But what of the kallah’s clothing?

For the past 10 years Nechamas closet has been helping kallahs and women receive new clothing and sheitels.

Many of Nechamas closet customers are orphans, and then there are those who can’t make ends meet. We all know how we feel when we don’t have something decent to wear. We’re uncomfortable and embarrassed. Imagine a kallah who’s the center of attention or a woman who has to go to a function, shul or work.

Letter from Guggy Tzivin – Nechamas Closet (A)

Many of us understand the financial strain of putting a wedding together. The hall, band, photographer, and house hold items. But what of the kallah’s clothing?

For the past 10 years Nechamas closet has been helping kallahs and women receive new clothing and sheitels.

Many of Nechamas closet customers are orphans, and then there are those who can’t make ends meet. We all know how we feel when we don’t have something decent to wear. We’re uncomfortable and embarrassed. Imagine a kallah who’s the center of attention or a woman who has to go to a function, shul or work.

Nechamas closet has helped so many women regain their self confidence!

It is written that it is a mitzvah for a man to adorn his wife with beautiful clothing. If the Torah sees it as such as a necessity shouldn’t we?

Without your support Nechamas Closet cannot continue doing their important work.

This year’s auction is dedicated to the Refuah Shelaima of Chana Bas Rasha Zelda,
Ora Meital Bas Bella, Ruchama Aliza Sara Chana Bas Esther Lieba, Ariel Leib Ben Nechama and the many others in need! May Hashem with his infinite mercy hear our heartfelt pleas and send them a Refuah immediately!

On Sunday, March 2nd – Chof Hey Adar Rishon , Nechamas closet will be having their 3rd annual auction.

Special guest speaker: Adele Faber, the internationally acclaimed expert on communication between adults and children, and best selling author of “How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk” will present a humorous and inspiring lecture.
Entertainment by the dynamic singer-Yossie Rose!

It is written that when one helps a kallah they are blessed not only in the world to come but in this world too! So too when one helps their community! In the merit of these great mitzvahs may you be doubly blessed!

Looking forward to greeting you personally,



  • Chaya Sarah

    Thank You Nechamas Closet for not only
    providing myself and my daughters with
    beautiful clothing, but for doing it in
    A very dignified way, which was very important to me.
    Please help them if you can.

  • Shloime

    It is time we started to help our own!!! Our community needs our help!! Im in are you?

  • show your support!

    Definitely true! So many people I know get help from Nechamas Closet and the community should support this great organization.


    Well written and for a good cause!

    Nechama’s closet is a worthy cause and they do a good job. I know that everyone is working without any pay (except for Hashem’s reward).

    Although I live out=of town and my children are married, I still support them.

    I sincerely hope they are very successful at this year’s event.

  • what-s the big secret

    If they could post the phone number for Nechama’s Closet and eligibility guidelines it would be very helpful…

  • I-ll be there

    I’ve read almost all of Adele Faber’s books, she is amazing. I can’t wait to hear her speak and hopefully get my copy signed. I can’t believe Nechama’s Closet has such an amazing program lined up for us.

  • heard

    the event is probably ganna be great i mean i heard that this adele faber auther of the parenting book is really good.