Picture of the Day

There’s a museum in Zichron Yaakov for an underground group called NILI-נצח ישראל לא ישקר. The group had tried to get the British to come in and kick out the Ottomans prior to World War 1. Apparently, things were brutal under the Turks, and they thought it would be better under the “civilized” British. The Turks arrested leaders of the group, tortured them and executed them, including two brothers, Levi Yitzchok and Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

Read More about them HERE


  • Dr Barbara Billauer

    The family involved was Aaronsohn not schneersohn. The Teo most famous siblings were Aaron who was also an agronomist and died in an airplane crash in 1919. And Sarah who did most of the a
    Active spy work and who was tortured to death by the Turks

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