Never Alone! — A Gimmel Tammuz Message
Question: We are once again approaching the date of Gimmel Tammuz (Ad Mosai?!). I am beginning to feel that I am losing my feeling of hiskashrus and I would like to know what you would recommend as a source of chizzuk for me and those that find themselves in a similar situation as mine. I would appreciate it if you would take the time to answer and share.
Answer: This is indeed a very important and timely issue and I will do my best to share with you some fascinating letters from the Rebbe on this very topic. Before getting into the specifics, I would like to comment on what you wrote that there are those “that find themselves in a similar situation” and echo the words that the Rebbe told Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Z”L when he was a young searching youth: “Nobody finds themselves in a situation; you put yourself in a situation. And if you put yourself in that situation, you can put yourself in another situation.”
I also would like to add that the true source of comfort and perspective are the sichos that the Rebbe said and letters that he wrote after the histalkus of the Frierdiker Rebbe. Although there are some differences between now and then, these sichos and letters are nonetheless full of relevant chizzuk and shares a fresh perspective of hiskashrus that is so needed today.
The Rebbe Gives Guidance
One of the main themes that the Rebbe stresses is that a true shepherd will never leave his flock without direction and that the Rebbe has given us guidance for all our circumstances and predicaments that we are in. This guidance is especially found in the most recent sichos of the last two years that we heard the rebbe Farbreng.
The following are some letters of the Rebbe that bring this out:
(1) “With regard to your statements that you feel alone and forlorn … and that great weakness overcomes you in all your work:
Pay attention how the conclusion of your words shows the nature of their first; i.e., that [these feelings of despondency] are the counsel of the yetzer [hara] that endeavors to weaken every person in the fulfillment of his mission with whatever words appropriate to the nature of the Shliach.
There is a well-known adage of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ”מ: “Chassidus brought about [a situation in which] one is not alone. Wherever one is found, the Rebbeim are there.” This applies, in particular, to my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ”מ, who himself writes with regard to his father, the Rebbe [Rashab], נ”ע, that “the shepherds of Israel will not abandon their flock…. Would it be that the members of Anash, and particularly, the temimim, carefully study the works of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ”מ, even his talks, and in particular those of the year 5710 and the preceding year.” (Igros, Vol. 4 page 23; #785)
“Your Answer Is In the Maamar”
(2) After the histalkus of the Frierdiker Rebbe, the legendary Mashpia Rabbi Nissan Nemenov was in a big dilemma: His daughter was engaged to be married, but he was not in a joyous mood and did not feel that it was the proper thing to make a joyous wedding at the time. He wrote to the Rebbe and got the following amazing response:
“In response to your personal question: In my humble opinion, you should bring happiness to the chassan and kallah through Chabad melodies and the like. “Whoever brings happiness [to a chassan and kallah] merits….”
… It is a well-known [practice of] the Rebbeim — in particular, I heard this with regard to the Rebbe Maharash — that when they would deliver a maamar, they would say specific words that were relevant to individual listeners and these words would be heard only by the person to whom they were relevant. The Rebbe [Rashab], however, requested of his father — and his request was granted — that he hear all of these words. I heard this from my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ”מ.
In the maamer released for the day of the histalkus there are several astonishing statements. In my humble opinion, the resolution of your question is found in the beginning of sec. 5. Certainly, you will internalize what is stated at the beginning of sec. 5 and communicate it to the chassan and kallah and the guests. I conclude with blessings of mazal tov…” (Igros, Vol. 3 p. 242; #562).
The Moshiach Connection
We must remain focused on the mission that the Rebbe gave each and every one of us. From the first maamar Basi L’Gani, the Rebbe told us that we are the seventh and final generation and we will bring the Geula with our efforts.
This was emphasized once more emphatically by the Rebbe on 28 Nissan 5751, when the Rebbe personally gave over the responsibility to bring Moshiach to each of us.
No negative thoughts and emotions, which certainly are coming from the yetzer hara should get in the way of our fulfillment of our special shlichus.
Let’s conclude with the famous words with which the Rebbe concluded his first maamar: “Since we have already experienced all these things, everything now depends only on us — the seventh generation. May we be privileged to see and meet with the Rebbe here in this world, in a physical body, in this earthly domain, v’hu yigaleinu — and he will redeem us.”
Yoseph Janowski
We see many miracles. Relations between Israel and other countries are being strengthened. A nuclear agreement with Iran keeps getting pushed off. Countries are opposing Chinese threats. The Supreme Court overturned a ruling which legitimized abortion. These are some of the many kindnesses that the Aibishter is doing for us, and for the world.