Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Anniversary Celebrated at Home

A fabrengen for women and girls was held last night at the home of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, in honor of their 88th wedding anniversary.

The fabrengen featured words from the longtime aide of the Rebbe, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, followed by musical niggunim with Laura Melincoff and Dahlya Shusterman.


  • not respectful

    I understand the sentiment but I do not think this is respectful to the Rebbes home.

  • It was beautiful...

    Not a ‘concert’, beautiful, uplifting nigunim.
    Tnx to those that arranged

  • I also thought so but

    My first reaction was similar to the first two comments but then I thought – on the contrary – the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin are probably kvelling at the music and celebration in their home.
    This is what the Rebbe loved, Simcha!
    The Rebbe and the Rebbetzin would probably be more unhappy with the negative reactions than with the freilichkeit in their home.

  • Leah

    I may be wrong, but this doesn’t sit well with me. There is a fine line that should not be crossed.

  • mushka

    People people take a deep breath.

    All of you being critical were now their.

    The people who attended all say it was uplifting.

    Rabbi Krinsky who knew the rebbetzin most allowed it.

    Leah if it doesn’t “sit” well with you, maybe you just need a good massage, but not in the Rebbe’s house.

  • Anonymous

    Was a program like this ever arranged in the house of the Rebbe Rayatz? In over 42 years – from 1950 to 1992 – something like this never happen in the Rebbe Rayatz room.

    The people that arranged this program may have good intentions, but Rabbi Krinsky should know better.

  • Chaya

    I remember when rabbi zeitlin o”h brought a group of women to crown heights and to the Rebbes house, they sang songs.

    What went wrong now??