Picture of the Day: Canada’s Oldest Jewish MP

Rabbi Yirmi Cohen of Toronto, together with his two children Mendy and Chaya, visited the office of Canada’s oldest Jewish Member of Parliament, Mr. Monte Kwinter, to deliver Matzah ahead of Pesach.


  • Moshe

    Toronto is a wonderful place with a great future under the veteran leadership of assistant head shaliach Rabbi Moshe Spalter. We wish him much support in the transition.

  • Thornhill Lubavitcher

    When did Moshe Spalter take over Zalman Arhon Grossbaum’s position? Is there a transition going on?

  • maven

    Moshe Spalter is currently the acting head shaliach of Ontario. Reb Zalman Aron has retired.

    • Crown Heightser

      When did this happen??? What about Itche Grossbaum – he should be taking over the leadership!!!!