From Days Gone By: Bubbe Maryasha Does Mivtzoim
Mrs. Maryasha Garelik, OBM, known affectionately by her hundreds of descendents as ‘Bubbe Maryasha’ until her passing at age 106 in 2007, assists Jewish women with performing the Mitzvah of Lulav on Chol Hamoed Sukkos. Can you identify anyone else in the photo, when or where it was taken?
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This picture is not on Mivtzoim per se. Its on Hoshana Rabba (5737); the one day the women were able to Bentch on the Rebbe’s Daled Minim.
The picture is on the corner of EP and Kingston outside the ladies shul.
I think that is mrs Malka first and maybe Faygie estulin
chana Malka is getting the lulav
The picture of Bobbe Maryasha is from Hoshana Rabah, she was the one to hand the Rebbe’s Daled minim to women & girls. It was the only day and later in the day, when they would be given the opportunity, only once all the men had finished.
I c chana levin from kfar chabad
Chaya Uminer?
Is that her on the right?
Chana malka
First woman is Chana Malka
Fab Four
Paula McCartney shaking lulav
Zalmy Schapiro
wow very interesting I like it
3rd woman in line
Nava Oirechman A”H nee Helman
Beautiful memories
Great photo. Is that one of Reb Dovid Raskin’s daughters with the polka dotted collar at center?