Photo: Florida Sun-Sentinel.
Picture of the Day: A Raisin-Filled Surprise
Nursing home resident Kate Friedman is pleasantly surprised by a gift of challah from students Aaron Friedman and Sarah Crawford, who are accompanying Rabbi Boruch Shmuel Liberow of the Chabad Student Center of Boca Raton, FL. The trio were delivering Challah to nursing home residents and other local needy in advance of Rosh Hashanah.
Priceless just want to give that lady a hug
This made my day
Bh for shluchim! Thank you for remembering our seniors.
I was at Regent Park Nursing Home when Rabbi Liberow was delivering his Challas for Yom Tov, along with 2 fabulous students.
The joy that they brought to so many of the residents, was palpable. Being remembered will long be remembered!!
Once again, the Rebbe is kvelling from his children/shluchim and schluchot!
A Gmar Chassima Tova to all of Klal Yisroel
Boruch Hecht
Go Rabbi Liberow!!! Give the Rebbe Nachas and make people happy! You sure made me smile!!! gmar chasima tova!!! Your inspiration reaches all the way to Morristown, NJ!