Picture of the Day: YSP Represented at the Ohel
As the summer comes to a close, a select group of Talmidim at the Yeshiva Summer Program in Morristown, NJ traveled to the Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens to give thanks for an incredible summer and to share with the Rebbe their accomplishments.
From the YSP Blog:
On Friday morning, every Talmid at YSP penned a Pan to the Rebbe. These Panim were brought to the Ohel by a select group of Talmidim.
For the last couple of days, all the Talmidim excelled in Shmiras Hasedarim and good behavior in order to get into the raffle to go to the Rebbe.
On Thursday night, each teacher made a raffle between all eligible Talmidim, and one Talmid from each class was picked to be the representative to bring the Panim from his class to the Ohel.
After Davening at the Ohel, the group continued on to 770 and a stop at Kingston Pizza.
For all those that were lucky to be picked, it was a very moving experience.