From Days Gone By: Gan Yisroel-Montreal, 1975

The bunk of counselor Aron Wolf (today a Chabad rabbi in Chicago) poses for a group portrait at Camp Gan Yisroel-Montreal in the summer of 1975. Can you identify any of the campers?

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  • What i know.......

    Yossi Feigelstock sitting 2nd from left. on right sitting is a Marozov (Mendel?) Standing on left is a Karp.

  • Yisrael Newman

    Top row Right to Left: Gershon Eichorn, Yanky Bloch, Mendy Bistritsky, ????, Mendy Kalamenson, Sholom Ber (Shoky ;) Deitch, ????, Zalman Karp.
    Bottom Row Right to Left: Giniwish?, Nochum Shapiro, Gurary?, Feigelshtok, Meir Prager.

  • Henya Laine

    Top row is Mendy Kalmanson
    Mendy Bistritzskky
    Gershon Eichorn
    Yankie Block
    Sitting first on the right Mayer Pregar

  • Names

    I don’t know Forsure but looks like Mayer prager and Gershon Eichhurn they look the same as now

  • Wow!

    Top row l-r: Zalman Karp, Yossi Chaiton, Shoki Deitch, Mendy Kalmanson, Levi Zirkind?, ?, ?, Gershon Eichorn
    Bottom: Meir Preger, Mendy Feigelstock a”h, ?, Nochum Shapiro, ?

  • who me?

    Henya..Mayer Preger is the first kid on the left my dear.

    and that’s Mendy Bistritsky indeed 3rd from right top row.

    Funny photo from ages past

  • Chicagoan

    Rabbi Wolf IS a rabbi, though not a sofer, and a VERY chassidishe yid. He is a baal Koreh and chazzan, and has many other great talents.

  • Chicago Shluchim

    RABBI Aron Wolf is the most active of local shluchim for mivtzoim, especially mivtza mezuza, tefillin and bikur cholim.
    Shame on #7 for your sinas chinam especially during the Three Weeks and in light of the news from Eretz Yisroel.

  • Old timer

    Standing right to left: Gershon Eichorn, Yanky Bloch, Mendy Bistritsky, Levi Zirkind, Aron Wolf, Mendy Kalmanson, Shoky Deitsch, Yossi Chaiton, and Zalman Karp
    Sitting: Mendel Marasow, Nochum Schapiro, Mendel Gurary, Mendy Feigelstock (ע”ה) and Meir Preger

  • 48 yr in the hood,

    has any one noticed in font of which building the pic is taken ?
    the mah tovo building which does not there any more !
    they took it down to build a new building
    b4 camp bought the property it was a barn for horses