A concerned Crown Heights resident sent us this photo, saying “for some odd reason, our community has been tolerating the dangerous practices of drivers of the Boro Park Bus answering phone calls as they are transporting 20 human beings in their vehicle. Every day that passes without an accident is a miracle. It is about time someone stops this dangerous activity which puts our lives in danger on a daily basis.”
Picture of the Day: How Safe Is the Boro Park Bus?
A concerned Crown Heights resident sent us this photo, saying “for some odd reason, our community has been tolerating the dangerous practices of drivers of the Boro Park Bus answering phone calls as they are transporting 20 human beings in their vehicle. Every day that passes without an accident is a miracle. It is about time someone stops this dangerous activity which puts our lives in danger on a daily basis.”
Tom, Dick and Harry
The drivers have given out a number of a phone on the bus that is meant to be contacted by potential customers!!! Imagine you would call the MTA driver every time you want to know how far away he is from your house!
Recently a new driver started operating the bus who, in addition to this problem phone, also sticks his personal I phone on the dashboard. Of course counting money can’t wait till the end of the day either and needs to be done on the road too.
Needs three hands
It’s when he is on the phone and then takes his other hand off the wheel to scratch an itch is when it realy gets dangerous.
DeClasse- Intellectual
The former driver drove like a cowboy going out of control
Weather he’s on the phone or not, it’s a miracle every second that isn’t an accident… I never saw such an crazy driver in my life. Who is in charge? Why is he still driving??
Maybe he should get a hands free
Or maybe they can get something like MTA Bustime
Pinchos Woolstone
The bus is too cramped, many times men and women ARE sitting in close prominity to each other.
I am not calling for a curtain running down the center, however the must be address in a sensible Halachically acceptable manner
At peak times there are people standing is that legal.
everybody on the bus
everybody on the bus has to say they will not get in if he is going to drive and talk on the phone, and this guy should feel like his job is in jeopardy or be fired.
I have seen many times that some woman answer the phone for him so that he should drive safely. All his phone calls are to know where he is and to know if someone missed the bus or not. I am on the bus a lot and see how people call him all the time!
People need to know where he is.. It’s part of the job.
Why not get a bluetooth headset for less than $20??
ch resident
the new drives jokes around with school girls. i think this is very inappropriate.
Communism at it-s best
It really doesn’t merit a news story !
A parnossa is at stake and the management is responsible so speak with their supervisor !
Well if you aren’t happy enough find a cab or work and pay for separate buses and drivers !
Complaints aren’t welcome !
Capitalism at it-s best
It’s a crappy job no one wants !
Maybe we can hire an immigrant to do it for less and ……….!
only 7 out of 50 states ban cell phones while driving….It may not be as dangerous as you think
It’s common sense safety to use a bluetooth, even for drivers who drive as much as bus drivers. They are far and away more able to drive & talk than an average driver, but it’s safer to use an ear device that just has to be pressed to talk.
@ Pinchos about a mixed public bus. I’d like to suggest that you, & other men worried about the ladies on the bus focus on how they are your sisters, friends, moms, & bubbies, rather just on one thing. Then you get the mitzvah of elevating yourself & your sisters. You all could even go so far as to focus on some Torah, if that’s what you’re into. Sure, God makes men reactive to the beauty of women, but the halachah says to not stare, nothing more. You see a girl, you look down, refocus, whatever it takes. Maybe even look her in the eye & realize she’s your sister.
moshe Binder
even with Bluetooth its still not safe!!!!!!
Dud: it’s called distraction…
BTW: anyone ever checked if he has a real valid drivers licence and Proper insurance?! (for this type of commercial vehicle)
Judging someone is not nice!
don’t judge him, maybe it was urgent.
Was there
I was on the bus yesterday. The thought actually passed through my head that we may need to bench Gomel every time we get off the bus. Driver is a maniac at the wheel. The previous one was much the same.
The bus IS very cramped. Yesterday 3 men declined to sit because the only spots were next to women on the long bench. The driver pulled to the side and refused to drive until they were seated. I created a mechitza out of someone’s Shaitel box and they sat down and we were on our merry way. On wings and a prayer.
Did I mention that in the morning sometime the bus broke down. I had to take taxi to work. :-(
A roomier bus in better condition would make it a much more comfortable and safe commute.
a regular on the bus
I am on the bus every day.
The calls are all from passengers wanting to know where the bus is, location and time wise, and can they still make it,and so on. You have no idea how important this is when you are waiting in the dark,or inclement weather, or need to get to BP or Cr Hts asap. The private calls are infrequent.
Space is tight and usually women (it is most always the women)change seats to accommodate the men and ensure women and men don’t sit in adjacent seats. Most people understand the necessity of doing this. There are the occasional people who are not sensitive to tznius. When people are standing it is really unsafe and yes, we need a bus (as we used to have many years ago) not a van.
The air conditioning is inadequate and the vents have to be directed at the driver so that he can drive. Anyone to the middle or especially, at the back of the bus, is in real danger of heat stroke. This is a serious issue during the heat of the summer.
Yes, it can get scary on the bus.They drive fast and take chances. They are skillful drivers, however in trying to accommodate the passengers and still keep to the schedule they take chances and miracles are a daily occurrence. Please bear in mind that this is not a high paying job and every passenger counts for them.
The previous driver and this one as well, are family men and decent people. This one was a victim of intense anti-semitisim and escaped with his life,literally ,to this country. Yes, I have noticed his over-familiarity with the school girls and someone could drop him a hint.
And finally, this a tremendous service for Crown Hts residents who regularly travel to Boro Park. The Precinct monitors these posts. Please don’t ruin a good thing(as I probably just did.)
He gives ihis cell out to the customers Relax maybe u where on the phone nice guy
Law is Law
The driver is still supposed to keep the law of staying off hand-held phones. This is not an emergency vehicle, and they should consider another way to communicate: bluetooth, hands-free, GPS, etc.
I used to go on the van
He is answering the calls of your fellow passengers who call him non stop to find out where he is and when the bus is arriving at their stop. He seems to be a good hearted person who doesn’t want all the (very assertive passengers) to be angry at him! If everyone stops calling he’ll stop picking up!
Mordechai Roth
The community council or a customer or a group of customers should buy him a bluetooth. That would solve most of the distraction problem.
not on MY life!!!
And I was just thinking I should take the van instead of driving. After reading this, no way!
Isn’t this bus a “service” of the CHJCC? Yet another example of stupidity & inefficiency, not to mention dangerous practices that come of out of this useless bunch of clowns.
To Rabbi Woolstone and the other commentators:
On the train these people have no problem sitting next to people from the opposite sex but on the bus they suddenly become so frum.
By the way, R’ Moshe Feinstein paskens that if a man sits next to a woman on the bus, EVEN IF THERE ARE MANY OTHER EMPTY SEATS, the woman does NOT have to move.
For those women that are so frum: just don’t sit on both sides of the bus. Pick a side for the women and allow the men to sit on the other side.
So bottom line, what will come out of all this talk? Is there anyone to contact regarding behavior of the drivers? Will someone call the police and ask them to keep an eye open and arrest the driver next time he starts talking while driving? It will have to be an undercover cop because they always put dwn the phone when they see police. Kinda like the driver of a huge 18 wheeler truck who came to an overpass that said 6 feet clearance. After looking to all sides and not seeing any cops he decided to go for it! This is not kindergarten playing cops and robbers. This is about safety of many humans.
If he kept to schedule and left at the correct times we would know exactly when he would be at the stops and then no-one would have to call!
where to complain
The CHJCC is only bringing you the schedule for your convenience. Any questions or complaints should be directed to Mark Chanukov 718-266-7000 or 718-266-7600.
For time schedule changes or other daily schedule questions call the driver at 646-529-5354
(As you see the chjcc is also urging people to call the driver directly so they are just as guilty)