Picture of the Day: Lucky Winner Picks Up $5,000 Check
Last week, we announced that Levi Schneider of Crown Heights was the lucky winner of the Camp Emunah Split-the-Pot raffle, whose proceeds went to benefit the camp’s scholarship fund. Levi, who was out of the country when he purchased his winning ticket, stopped by this morning at the Camp Emunah Office and claimed his prize of $5,054.59.
way to levi
please keep up the great work hechts maybe do a split the pot again before camp hopefully making more money for this great cause
:) Awesome
That guy is a legend
Shidduch profile pic!
This will have them lining up outside your doorstep! SCHNIEDS!!
a friend
Mazal Tov Levi may you turn your Mitzva money into millions so you can continue to give to great causes like this one.
i hope he doesnt think that’s a real check! there’s no account number!
I in C
Golanchik and now a winner too! Congratz
A fellow magist
Go Levi!
The rimlers!
-Mendy n Sarah