Picture of the Day – Moshiach and Bob Marley

A reader tipped us off to seemingly out of place image on a wraparound mural on a Eastern Parkway and Franklin Avenue construction site.


  • Worried Mom

    Why would someone write Bob Marely a non-Jewish icon on a good religious Jewish site that kids go on? It would be great if they just wrote a Moshiach Mural..but Bob Marely had nothing to do with us.

  • Mashichist Marley

    There’s nothing out of place about it. If you knew the man’s music, you’d know that he was an emese mashichist!


    Does this mean that the Moshichist now believe that Bob Marley is Melech Hamashiach ? What are they gona think up next that he’s giving out dollars in 770 ?

  • chillax

    chill stop being mad about the combination of this. We should see this as a sign of respect toward us

  • go-ds right hand man

    ja maaaan i like the colors and signs
    the reallll blue is green and red
    juuuuudaahh let’s rock the house
    with my righteous zealots
    boker or
    the difference between the dream and the reality is the reality
    i owe, i owe so it’s off to work i go
    have a great day

  • is it okay?

    so this is fine but the next thing you know they will be painting the Rebbe next to some looney toon.

  • CR

    It looks like the work of neighborhood artists trying to capture the “look and feel” of the area by displaying the local cultural mix. We should all be honored to be included. At least I see nothing disrespectful here.

  • a crown hts resident

    I walk by there almost everyday and until you pointed out the Moshiach sign I hadn’t noticed it. I did notice the Bob Marley pix. Just goes to show you that when the Rebbe says we just need to open our eyes and see Moshiach he is definitely right in a most literal sense!!!

  • To 24

    Seriously? You can’t tell the difference between the pieces? My 2 year old daughter could have done the moshiach one.

  • DESECRATION any way you look at it

    This is a CHILLUL SHEIM LUBAVITCH! This is desecration of property. To do such a thing in the name of the Rebbe, in the name of bringing Moshiach, is beyond disgusting. And to think that the most the previous comments could debate is whether or not it belongs next to an icon of the drug culture of Jamaican music of 40 years ago (and most of you seem just fine with that!), shows just how our sensitivities have been weakened in this long, long Galus. It should be painted over IMMEDIATELY before even one person comes to believe that this is the way the Lubavitch of our Rebbe does things.

  • Sara

    I am proud to say that I had absolutely no clue who that man was… Thank u to ch.info for the education…

  • Brian McGloin

    I used to live a couple of blocks from there on Rogers Avenue, this would have been a nice thing to see.