Two grandchildren of the Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood davend recently at Chabad of the Berkshires, directed by Rabbi Levi Volovik.

Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewoods Grandchildren Daven at Chabad

Two grandchildren of the Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood davend recently at Chabad of the Berkshires, directed by Rabbi Levi Volovik.


  • Two shluchim walked into a bar...

    Are you for real? How about the cat that pished on a lamppost somewhere in Bulgaria?

    1) How is this news?
    2) Does being his grandchild make you a celebrity?
    – If yes: what is this world coming to?
    – If not: what is this site coming to?
    3) Most importantly – Have Shluchim gotten so desperate for attention that it has come to this? Posting articles with absolutely no significance just so that your picture is in the paper?

    Now let me clarify. I am sure that the Rabbi of this Chabad house is a great guy and was not the one that submitted this article so I have no issue with him. It is with the idea that Shlichus in general has evolved into some sub-celebrity-wannabe culture that encourages social popularity and trades priorities for fame. What ever happened to the good old days of the Rebbe’s Shluchim being SHLUCHIM and not celebrities?

    There is a very relevant message from out sages for all our attention seeking “look at me I’m famous” brethren spread about bringing the good message and their starched shirts to all people: “Stop chasing the honor, and the honor will chase you”.

    All other shluchim to whom the above does not apply (hopefully the vast majority) are cool. I wish them the best of luck and my sincerest prayers for them to figure out how to get out of foreclosure (most of the good ones are in foreclosure).

  • steve

    Why is this a story? I for one don’t exactly understand the machlokes Reb Aaron had with the Rebbe I dont believe I am on that level. They were two tzaddikim and leaders of many followers. I am sure his grandchildren dont understand it either and they respect lubavitch. I believe that its important to recognize that frum Jewry as a whole has taken giant strides in achdus and respect for one another in the past 30 yrs.

  • huh? is that news?

    ummm…..then what?
    There are tonz of “misnagdim” that daven at chabad shuls as long as they don’t shout yechi and aren’t meshichist (at least openly). Please, Lubavichers, stop thinking that the litvishe world hates you or look down on you…those days are long gone and the fact that we daven in each other’s shuls and our children marry each other is b”H beautiful, but far from being news.

  • Lets not get too excited

    ASk the current Roshei Yeshiva in Lakewood (Here and in EY) what they held of the REbbie and you wouln’t have posted this so fast, because they would rather davven Yichidus

  • Achdus

    I urge people to comment nicely as it is Chodesh Elul and things that cause machlokes should not be said and dwelling on past machlokes accoplishes nothing.

  • facts speak louder then words

    #3… it is a well know secret about the boys that went to china during the war. they survived Hitler, but unfortunately, they were not able to survive the lies, stealing and eventually the death of at least 10 young men that was caused directly by Aaron Kotler y.s.

  • chaim

    Aaron Kotler’s daughter was married to Berel Shwartzman who is related to the Drizin’s

  • Boruch

    #7 wrote yemach shemoi after Aron Kotler’s name which is inappropiate and a chillul Lubavitch. He did harm during his lifetime, but writing yemach shemoi after his name is taking it way far. Please edit it out.

  • huh? is that news?

    #5 Did you actually ask? How about you get yourself to lakewood and ask?
    Why are you speculating? Do you know what tzadikim you are talking about? Do you understand the mesiras nefesh, hasmadah and yiras shemayim that these roshei yeshiva have? They DO rather daven b’ yechidus than daven at a meshichist shul, but chabad is not necessarily meshichist.
    #7: What are your sources? Stop the loshon hora, this is terrible, do I start to count how many people went off in chabad or other circles?

  • Oh.. This guy! he killed bochurim!

    ive heard of him..
    unfortunately not in a positive way…

  • ohis vorrff

    wow !!!! benyomin yr doing a gr8 job ,,, look how meny non lubavitchers read yr site , you should be proud ,

    to all those who wrote about shanghai china , its not the place to write about this , my father obm was in shanghai , he told me all about it, dr seligsons son can tell u more , his father was treating the bacurim there , lets put this behind us , ah gut yore to all yiden

  • Just observing

    Generalizing any group is always wrong.

    The media do it about all religious jews.
    People do it about all muslims, blacks, etc.

    It isn’t right to say LUBAVITCHERS have a superiourity complex.
    That’s we get one ourselves.

  • Yossel, ashamed in NJ

    You would be well advised to remove the disparaging remarks about R’Aharon Kotler, it makes Lubavitch look like a hateful cult.
    Re: The actual nonsensical allegation of causing ten Lubavitcher boys to starve.
    The fact is that one bochur out of the 29 approx boys in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Shanghai was nifter, his name was Chanowitz and he had been sickly back in Vilna, where he was from.He died of illness as did a number of the Mirrer and unfortunately many other refugees who succumbed to many illnesses .
    Stop with the hatefest already.
    Just to point out that in Lakewood NJ they raised much more money for Rubashkin than in Crown Heights.
    *Think* before you allow hate, because it can boomerang and hit you where it hurts!

  • miami beach bum

    Although I dont see how this is news, and we have plenty of “misnagdim” and “celebrities” that daven in our chabad houses all the time, I must say that the above comments are shameful and disgusting. Did anybody ever think that the people in those photos actually clicked on the story? Do you understand what kind of a chilul Hashem and, consequently, a chilul Lubavitch you are causing? I just do not comprehend what would bring someone to do this. Stop the hate and start realizing that the world does not revolve around your closed-minded warped world.

  • FYI

    The current Sr. Rebbitzen Kotler is closely related to the Schochect.Chodokoff. Kramer etc. famlies

  • A shliach

    As a Lubavitcher on shlichus I am disgusted by the negative remarks posted here.

    Let people live. Let people daven (without posting about it online). Why rehash stories (grossly in accurately to boot).

    This is not beneficial. And the negative comments on it are not increasing Ahavas Yisrael amongst yidden.

    We are all one people.

    I urge the editor to remove this entire story and the comments (at least the comments).

  • #7 get your facts straight

    #7, get your facts straight.
    One bochur died in shanghai as mentioned above. This article is disgusting. A guy who happens to be an ainikel of RAK shows upt o daven with a minyan like it says in Shulchan Aruch and we make a big deal of it? Is this ahavas yisroel? and BTW, a great-grandson of RAK was hanging out in LA last year, and several lubab yungeleit arranged some work for him so he can earn some money in a respectful way. The last thing they needed was this blasted on some websites for bored souls.

  • the true story

    To 15
    i guess you know better then the rebbe
    when kotlers son want by the rebbe for dollars he asked that his father be forgiven, the rebbe ansewred that he made my father in law cry and i cant forgive him.
    so just becasue you know the boy hayad’s name dont forget and forgive someone the rebbe did not

    im sure his grandson has nothing to do with this but his grandfather was Aaron Kotler y.s.

  • Yossi,LA

    R’Aharon Kotlers son never went for dollars.In fact I believe he passed away, on gimmel tammuz, btw, BEFORE the Rebbe started with Dollars.
    People like you make ashamed to be a Lubavitcher.