The Mr. Clean cleaners on Albany Avenue brought in a variety of electric powered scooters. These motorized bikes start at around $800 and can reach a top speed of 22 mph. “Just another ‘green’ option for transport” said the smiling store manager.

Picture of the Day! – Electric Scooters

The Mr. Clean cleaners on Albany Avenue brought in a variety of electric powered scooters. These motorized bikes start at around $800 and can reach a top speed of 22 mph. “Just another ‘green’ option for transport” said the smiling store manager.


  • mashugah

    Anybody that decides to ride around CH in these scooters or any other scooter or motor cycle has a death wish.

    The CH streets are like a demolition derby and on scooters you have zero protection.

  • CH

    B”H some one cares for the world.
    Organic cleaning and Electric motorcycles in C.H.
    I never thought I would see this day.

  • perplexed

    its not very clear, whats the purposes of the scooter? are they on sale? or for store use???

  • annoyed

    very nice, how long till their stolen by some 14 y/o animal who gets released to his parents because hes “misunderstood” and it would be too much of a hot topic to arrest a BLACK person who committed the crime, as opposed to arresting the jew who wont will just whine and complain. the only thing i admire about the blacks is that when theres an injustice done to them, they dont only speak up, they do something. we just complain and whine and hope for the best.

  • healthy

    its very appropriate to bring in these bikes now with all the bike lanes being put in by the city. they look so funky- luv it!

  • satisfied customer

    Tuli ( the store manager) is one of the nicest most pleasent people in Crown Heights.He offers unsurpassed friendly customer service with a smile!!!

  • be careful

    Just stay away from ‘perps’ who will love to get their hands on one- for ‘free’…

  • Rafi

    “u dont need a license or any plates”

    If you don’t need a license or any plates, then I highly doubt it’s street legal.

    Check out the DMV website, you may not need a M license but you may need any class license (if it’s street legal)


  • Levi B

    that cleaners is as green as any other clenaners in ch, they all do the shirts in the same factory, just they take alot more of youre green$$

  • Happy Customer

    Levi B,
    just by the way they got a new place that no one in CH uses.
    and if you would be there lately you would see they are not more expensive then other places!

  • to: perplexed

    DAAAAA there for sale why would tehy be for sore use were shuold you drive around in a 2 by 2 cleaners!!?!?

  • yehuda

    Tuli you are the best most honest caring person there is… i’m booking tickets for gimul tamuz just because of you….

  • Brooklyn Scooters

    For the best prices on scooters you should go to Mention and get 25$ off any scooter