Picture of the Day! Released Time Group Picture!

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Bochurim who partake in the public school Released Time throughout the year pose for a group picture in front of 770 earlier today, Friday.

More pictures and about the program in the Extended Article!

About Released Time

The Released Time program reaches out to Jewish youngsters in public school and exposes them to the Jewish heritage and religion. A dedicated instructor, following a carefully prepared Teacher’s guide, teaches them about Torah, the prayers, the holidays, history and customs of Judaism. Federal law protects the right of any recognized religious group to teach its principle’s to public school students who elect to join.Children attend a Released Time class at a nearby synagogue.

Since its inception in 1941, the NCFJE’s Released Time Program has reached more than a quarter of a million Jewish boys and girls in New York City, Rockland County, Long Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New England, Ohio, Pennsylvania and California.

This year the program has serviced 75 sites in the New York City area. Throughout the year more than 125 dedicated young teachers have gone to the sites each week to create a warm atmosphere of religion and acceptance for more than 800 students.


  • They are to be admired

    These are special bochurim indeed. May Hashem bentch then with only good in all areas and may all their input each Wednesday bear fruit in an apparent way.

  • CHer

    Wow- such a Kiddush Hashem. These Bochurim are the Rebbes Nachas. Yasher Koach to each one of you.