Darchai Menachem Hosts Chumash Party For First Grade
This past Sunday, the Shul in Darchai Menachem echoed with the joyous sounds of young boys celebrating a major milestone in their early Chinuch. Darchai Menachem hosted a Chumash party for their first-grade Talmidim.
The boys were dressed in their finest attire, eagerly anticipating the moment when they would receive their very first Chumash. As they entered the shul, their faces lit up with excitement as they saw the beautifully set tables, balloons, and decorations.
Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Raichik, the dedicated Rebbe of the first-grade class, spoke to the boys about the different and special Ma’alos that every one of them possesses. He emphasized that every boy is unique and has his own strengths and that they are all equally valuable and beloved in the eyes of Hashem.
The boys sang a Niggun they had prepared especially for the occasion and then read from their newly acquired Chumash. They eagerly pointed out the letters and words they had learned, and the Rebbe praised them for their hard work and dedication.
As the festivities drew to a close, the boys left the shul with their Chumashim in hand, beaming with pride and excitement. The Chumash party was a wonderful way to celebrate their accomplishments and to inspire them to continue learning and growing in Torah and Mitzvos.
Rabbi Menachem Amar, principal of the lower & middle elementary in Darchai Menachem, shared his thoughts on the occasion: “This Chumash party is more than just a celebration; it is the beginning of a lifelong journey in Torah learning. Seeing the excitement and dedication of our young Talmidim fills us with pride and hope for the future.”
Darchai Menachem is a truly exceptional yeshiva, where each child is cherished and encouraged to reach his full potential. The Rebbeim and staff put their hearts and souls into creating a warm and nurturing environment where children can thrive.
To learn more about Darchai Menachem, please visit Darchaimenachem.com