What Differentiates A Tomim From Other Students?
What differentiates a Tomim from other students?
The answer, everything. The entire outlook of their chinuch is different.
On chof teves, the Rambam’s yortzeit, everyone is celebrating.
One school is learning CPR to mark the occasion, another is getting a lesson in healthy eating habits and a third may be visiting a local medical facility or ambulance.
While a young tomim may be doing the above as well, for him this day means far more.
For two weeks leading up to chof teves, temimim as young as pre1a, have been memorizing the names of the sforim of the Rambam’s Yad Hachazoka. The Yeshiva put out an upbeat song that caught on like wildfire to help the temimim memorize the names.
Kitas Bais and Gimmel were challenged with the toichen of the different Seforim.
During this time, the temimim were able to earn and trade Rambam Cards on the 14 seforim. From lineup in the morning, to class, lunch, recess and on the bus home, wherever they turned they were able to earn Rambam Cards for their effort and good behavior. The boys discussed and traded doubles with friends. This was the excitement in Yeshiva.
To further drill the themes of the Rambam’s Seforim and their names, the boys got to complete exciting worksheets and earn additional Rambam Cards.
The two weeks of preparation were concluded with an outstanding Rambam Carnival with booths that brilliantly expressed the themes of the Rambam’s Seforim. The carnival was put together by the talmidim of kita ches under the guidance of their mashpia, Rabbi Kaplan.
This is the way a young tomim marks the Rambam’s yortzeitat in Tomchei Tmimim.