Beautiful Event Launches Oholei Torah Mothers Committee

What if mothers could do something to enhance their childrens’ Yeshiva experience? 

What if, instead of Yeshiva and home floating in separate orbits, there could be something that unites the two?

In Oholei Torah, these questions are no longer theoretical. That’s because a new initiative has just been launched: the Oholei Torah Mothers Committee

Its goal: to strengthen the connection between yeshiva and home, while bringing the special touch of a mother to the child in the classroom and to the school as a whole.

This past Wednesday, Oholei Torah mothers gathered for the OTMC kickoff event, featuring a lavish spread, stunning decor and a warm atmosphere. Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig, a key visionary and leader of this initiative, opened the program with a powerful dvar Torah, connecting the idea of counting upwards to Shavuos to the tangible effect of increasing in pe’ulos. “One peulah after the next,” he declared, “we will see results and create a real community out of Oholei Torah!”

Rabbi Lustig also thanked the original PTA group who have dedicated themselves to Oholei Torah for over 20 years. He mentioned many of their accomplishments while expressing Hakoras Hatov.

After a humorous talk given by Mrs. Aidy Bendet, the evening’s MC, Mrs. Subie Rubashkin, spoke passionately, reviewing initiatives that the OTMC has already begun to implement:

  • A Tu B’Shvat treat for the students
  • A beautiful Pesach gift for Rebbeim’s wives – a new women’s siddur and a manicure
  • Delicious lunches in all 6 teachers rooms, every Rosh Chodesh
  • Event about bullying intervention featuring Izzy Kalman

She then wove an exciting description of future plans that the committee hopes to implement in the coming year:

  • An increase in teacher appreciation
  • Establishment of “class mothers” to help coordinate activities in the classrooms for younger grades
  • Pre-arranged monthly activities run by different mothers

…and so much more! “There is SO much more we want to accomplish,” she explained, “but we need more hands on deck, we need more passionate mothers involved and we can achieve amazing things for our boys!”

Mrs. Rubashkin’s talk was followed by words of inspiration from Mrs. Sima Simons. Mothers were then encouraged to scan the QR codes on each table and sign up for different jobs on the committee. The program ended with a beautiful feeling of passion, participation and community.

Oholei Torah would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the mothers who attended and signed up, showing such dedication to the yeshiva and to chinuch. An extra special thank you to the members of the Oholei Torah Mother’s Committee who invested tremendous time and energy into making this all possible!

Mrs. Brochi Friedman

Mrs. Mushky Karasik

Mrs. Liba Nejar

Mrs. Subi Rubashkin

Mrs. Chani Sputz

Mrs. Shani Pinson 

Mrs. Rikkel Gopin 

Mrs. Manya Sperlin

Here’s what Oholei Torah faculty members are saying about the OTMC:

Rabbi Evers, Principal of Grades 3-5:

The OTMC has been there for the teachers to show appreciation with beautiful Rosh Chodesh lunches. These were so highly appreciated by the teachers – it really made them feel like people out there care. And we know that the more a teacher feels valued, the more the chinuch is enhanced!

Rabbi Blau, Head of School:

Great outcomes in Chinuch can only be obtained through the close collaboration between our yeshivos and our parents, aligning the values and messages the child absorbs in yeshiva with what he absorbs at home. We are very fortunate to have such an esteemed parent body and look forward to the many points of collaboration!

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