Tomchei Temimim Staff Appreciation
On Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Tetzave, United Lubavitcher Yeshiva hosted an evening of recognition and appreciation for their Rebbis, Morahs, Yeshiva faculty and their spouses.
No one anticipated how appropriate and well-timed this event of appreciation for Melamdim would turn out to be, with the Rebbis and Morahs outdoing themselves just a few short days later when they jumped into the deep end to ensure continued Limmud Hatorah for all of their Talmidim, no matter the effort.
The event was opened by the Menahel Rabbi Yosef Simpson who highlighted the importance of Hakoras Hatov. Parent Rabbi Shmuel Karasik expressed Hakoras Hatov on behalf of the parents.
The highlight of the event was the Chinuch panel. On the panel was:
• Mara D’Asra Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, member of the Beis Din.
• Veteran Mechanech Rabbi Levi Kaplan, principal of Cheder Chabad in Monsey.
• Acclaimed therapist Rabbi Dr. Yosef Shagalow of Minnesota.
The panel was moderated by Rabbi Abba Perelmuter of Shul by the Shore in Long Beach, California.
During the event, the panel was presented with many relevant questions, covering a wide range of schooling and parenting topics. The questions were matched with equally great answers, with each panelist adding depth from their professional experience and personal perspective..
Throughout the program, a professionally prepared video with clips of the Rebbe’s Sichos on Chinuch was shown. The videos were interspersed with clips of parents expressing their appreciation to their children’s Rebbis and Morahs.
At the end of the event, as a token of appreciation, each staff member received an elaborate Havdala set with a leather-bound Havdala card.