Shomrim Advisory: School Closure Due To COVID-19
Crown Heights Shomrim has published the following advisory for the Crown Jeights Jewish community:
Dear community member,
As we are all aware that all Yeshivas, private and public schools are canceled until further notice.
Many community members have expressed concerns that with all the schools and businesses canceled, this will lead to certain elements looking to commit crimes and this has them feeling uneasy.
We would like to reassure everyone that as we have in the past, we will continue to answer your calls and remain committed to serving and protecting our community. We will be adding extra patrols throughout the day and are in constant communication with our local precinct to better serve the community.
Please make sure to obey the CDC and DOH protocols and follow the direction of our Doctors and Rabbonim.
For updates in real time, please follow our WhatsApp status at 718-774-3333 for Shomrim related information.
With blessings for health and safety,
Crown Heights Shomrim