The New Woman’s Ohel Bus – An Open Letter Of Thanks
A Crown Heights woman writes an open letter written to the women and girls currently living in Crown Heights regarding the new Ohel bus for women:
I hadn’t been to the Ohel in months. Being bogged down with life’s challenges, it was extremely hard for me to find the time, and yes, sometimes the money, to get to the Rebbe’s Ohel.
Every time I set aside a time to go, either the babysitter cancelled or an urgent matter came up.
I sat down last week, and realized that it’s been quite some time since I’ve been to the Ohel.
In the process of trying to find a ride, I received a WhatsApp message. Later that day, I saw an article online too about a new bus to the Ohel for women; Tuesday evenings at 6 PM, which departs from corner President and Kingston. The cost was only $3 round trip. Under no circumstances was I going to miss this opportunity!
Greeted by a packed bus of women, I made it just in time before the bus pulled out! The ride was smooth, and the atmosphere was uplifting. There were nigunnim playing softly in the background. Learning texts, and Chassidishe stories were handed out.
On the return bus to Crown Heights, I chatted with the women around me. I was now charged with renewed energy and strength. I am filled with gratitude for this new initiative and tremendous service to the community.
Thank you to Yossi and Nechama Dina Katz for generously funding this project, and Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus for pulling it all together.
I would just like to advise those who would like to take advantage of this service, to come a few minutes early. I came around 6 PM, and the bus was already full.
Thank you again, and Besuros Tovos to all!
The bus leaves every Tuesday evening, at 6 PM sharp. Departure is at the corner of Kingston Ave. and President Street. $3 round trip.
For more information please call: (347) 278-3713