New Bus to the Ohel For Women and Girls
Although the Ohel is not that far away from Crown Heights geographically, finding the opportunity to go or coordinating a ride can often be a hassle.
A few young women in the community came up with a new project for the community to help fix this: a weekly bus to the Ohel exclusively for women and girls for only $3 roundtrip.
Since news of this project was launched, the positive feedback from the community has reaffirmed the importance of this project. This new option to go to the Ohel is affordable and a beautiful way to move forward after Yud Shvat. Not only will this bus provide a ride to the Ohel, it will also provide learning materials to be used as a Hachana on the way. Come with your friends, your sisters, your daughters or your mother, and return spiritually recharged and renewed.
Generously sponsored by Yossi and Nechama Dina Katz, Or Vechom HaHiskashrus will be arranging the weekly bus to the Ohel for the next seven weeks for all women and girls.
The Rebbe said: “Just showing up at the Ohel will uplift your mood – even before you have the chance to dwell deeply about the holiness of the place” (Likkutei Sichos, Chelek Beis, pg. 503). These bus rides will give the opportunity for so many to go to the Ohel and to be uplifted and given strength to combat life’s various challenges.
The bus will leave every Tuesday evening at 6:00 PM sharp, from the corner of Kingston and President.
The bus will leave the Ohel to return to Crown Heights at 7:50 PM.
The first trip will take place this Tuesday, ט”ז שבט, the 11th of February.
For more information, please contact (347)-278-3713.