Crown Heights’s New Gas Station Mini Market To Stock Kosher
by CrownHeights.info
The Bolla Market that recently opened with the renovations of a Crown Heights gas station is now stocking kosher goodies.
The mini market, located at the Mobile gas station on the corner of Empire Blvd and New York Ave, is stocked with the essentials you would expect of a gas station. Pringles and peanuts, cleaning supplies and ice cream all fill the short isles. The walls are lined with refrigerators stuffed with a multitude of drinks from beer to energy drinks.
The last isle though, has a section that looks out of place for the market. It’s crammed with kosher goodies, including Pashkes chocolates, Kliks, kosher gum, and sour sticks.
Down the middle isle, the chips section proudly sports the Chof K hechsher, while the large peanut section includes nuts and assorted kosher stacks.
The manager of the store proudly pointed out the kosher section, promising that soon, much more of the store will be kosher as well.
ALERT: The OK Kashrus has released an alert notifying of the unauthorized use of the OK Kashrus symbol on Nuts and Snack mixes sold in Bolla Markets. The nuts in question are those sold under the Bolla “Healthy Cravings” brand.