Photos: Respectful Accomodations for Tishrei Guests

Thousands of Tishrei Guests will be spending the month of Tishrei in Crown Heights, seeing to the needs of the many Bochurim, Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim – with the help of many local landlords and philanthropists, provided respectful accommodations to the guests.

Photos by Shimi Kutner


  • Resident

    Is it possible after Tishrei these apartments be rented to YIDDEN ??? instead of new goyim ? That is the real test….

    • I agree

      My son is in a 1br with 3 babies. We need these apartments for our families
      No I’m not being selfish.
      A non-shomer shabbos can live anywhere. My co workers drive over an hour to their churches and parents on a regular basis and the distance is not an obstacle. (Some actually like it)
      But if we move more than walking distance we have lost our community, our shuls, even or kosher shopping

  • 1 more sign needed on the bulletin board.

    Look out for other people.
    Do not walk into other people or try to squeeze between them. Especially women and the elderly.
    Do not be a Bull in a China shop.
    You can cause serious injury CV”S

  • Grateful We left

    Are these apartments going to be nice after the respectful guests leave? Why am I doubtful?

  • disappointed

    to answer questions above probably no to all. seemingly only the bachurim matter what about Anash what about No Bachurim / girls are we all stuck with having to fork over big money to be there especially if we can’t afford that exorbitant cost? I personally can’t afford it. When I or others seek a place there is no response or we are told pay up! it would be nice if someone posted info & a positive response But I for pne won’t hold my breath

    • disappointed

      they are only for some Anash etc. are stuck with next to nothing Here is a fact they won’t publicize while Bachurim have some nice apts Anash area sked to pay $100 deposit & for what? a thin mattress & no bed frame in the basement of 1717 president st. no bedding either a total disgrace

  • Berel

    This is unacceptable. How is it that something good can be done for someone who is not me. I have needs too.

    • Caring and compassionate

      If you feel you are in need – as many others seem to claim, by all means, there are many tzedaka organizations that ill provide you and your family with basic needs like food and shelter. As a landlord, I keep separate my business from my tzedaka. I give generously tzedaka but I also charge a fair market rent. The tzedaka helps people in need. If you are poor, go collect from my tzedaka through the organizations but don’t ask me for a handout.

  • dr

    these accomodations might help those who are now shackled down with a 3 bedroom apartment and are paying in the $2,000 range. just saying.
    the rental situation is cruet and not what the Rebbe wants.